Nuvarande region:
Sweden (SV)
Lågt tryck upp till 2 500 mbar(g)
Med flexibla konfigurationer och förbättrade tekniska egenskaper är Robox Screw lågtrycksskruvkompressorenheten den perfekta lösningen för ett stort antal miljö- och industriella tillämpningar.
Robox Screw är effektiv tack vare sina unika RSW-patenterade rotorer. Dessa minskar antalet varv och förbättrar förhållandet mellan kapacitet och tryck.
Den ger maximal flexibilitet genom att arbeta med optimal effektivitet och låga bullerutsläpp. Detta uppnås tack vare högeffektiv intern kompression, ljuddämpare och ett ljudreducerande hölje.
Robox-skruven är lätt att installera och lätt att underhålla tack vare sin enkla och robusta konstruktion
Low life cycle costs
The cost of a screw compressor initially consists of purchasing the equipment and installing it. After that, energy, and maintenance costs round the cost of ownership. Equipment and installation are a one-time expense, while energy and maintenance are continuous costs associated with ownership.
The Robox Screw ensures a high level of efficiency (> 75%) because of a wide low pressure rotation speed range, which reduces energy consumption. In addition, its robust construction and use of minimum parts contributes to high reliability and long intervals between maintenance.
Quiet operation
The optimum efficiency of internal compression, guaranteed by the innovative Robuschi rotor profile, means less noise during the compression phase. The low rotor rotation speed (max 6,000 rpm) and the absence of a step-up gear, guarantee low noise levels from the blower. The Robox is also enhanced with special silencers and a noise-reducing enclosure (also available without sound hood – WL version). These features also allow for easy installation in a variety of applications.
Maximum Energy Efficiency
The innovative and unique profile of Robuschi's rotors optimises the ratio between capacity (volume) and pressure. This increases the efficiency of the ROBOX screw unit.
Its characteristics ensure high efficiency (>75%) in a wide range of blower rotations (from 100% to 25%) in any working condition. The high efficiency of the ROBOX SCREW plus its reduced maintenance costs guarantee a quick return on the initial investment. In most cases, 2 years on average depending on the application and the operating conditions.
Tailor made
The design of the ROBOX screw can be customized to meet your needs and match your application’s requirements.
Easy installation and maintenance
As it can be transported with a forklift and/or pallet truck, the Robox Screw low pressure screw compressor offers easy installation. The electrical system connection is also simple, using the rear auxiliaries’ cabinet for configuration with the controller. Maintenance costs are reduced as every component of the Robox Screw has a simple and robust construction to guarantee a long working life.
This low pressure screw compressor is equipped with a reactive/adsorptive silencer on the suction side to drastically reduce every residual pulsation that spreads through the system pipe. It is also equipped with a reactive silencer on the discharge side of the compressor in accordance with the Directive 97/23/CE (PED) for effective noise reduction.
Lubrication system
The Robox Screw is equipped with a forced lubrication system. For low energy consumption, the oil pump is integrated directly in the compressor to eliminate the need for another electric circuit. The optimized oil lubrication system allows the Robox Screw to function at a low oil temperature to ensure long bearing lifespan.
Noise enclosure
The Robox Screw’s noise enclosure is designed with optimised air passages and a capacity for sound pressure reduction.
Thanks to ample air circulation inside the enclosure, the operating temperature remains cool. This provides greater efficiency with normal operation. Moreover, an electric motor driven cooling fan is located close to the airend and discharge silencer. These are the warmest areas of the enclosure. The powder coated enclosure ensures a long lasting protection against corrosion, chemicals, and environment.
Oil-free Screw Compressor - RSW
The patented RSW is an oil-free screw compressor (range up to 2,500 mbar(g)) and screw blower (range up to 1,000mbar(g)).
The profile of the airend guarantees maximum capacity at minimum energy consumption. In addition, the surface treatment of the rotors makes the RSW low pressure screw blower resistant to oxidation. This means performance levels are consistently maintained.
The rotors are designed with wide diameter shafts to reduce the deformation caused by internal and external loads. This ensures the blower can work efficiently in even the harshest conditions. The bearings have an increased lifespan thanks to their reduced number of revolutions. The seals for the gas conveyed and lubricating oil are also wear-free.
Low noise
The excellent compression efficiency, guaranteed by the innovative Robuschi rotor profile, means less noise during the compression phase. Together with low rotor rotation speed (max. 6,000 rpm) and the absence of a step-up gear, the Robox Screw’s sound emissions are kept to a minimum.
The RSW low pressure screw compressor features a traditional belt drive instead of a gear overdrive. It uses a simplified lubrication system for applications with reduced thermal speed..
Class 0 certification, according to ISO 8573-1
The Robox Screw low pressure screw compressor unit is available in a new plug & play version which is simple and reliable. It includes the following features:
Robox Connect-styrenhet i framkant
Den nya pekskärmsstyrningen, Robox Connect, är mycket användarvänlig med en intuitiv meny. Den ger dig en realtidsvy av fläktaggregatets drift och gör att du kan övervaka enheten kontinuerligt. På så sätt kan du upptäcka problem och funktionsstörningar innan de uppstår och skydda din investering.
Robox Connect hanterar en mängd olika driftsfunktioner som är tillgängliga från en inbyggd skärm, såväl som på distans. Du kan övervaka och konfigurera varje uppmätt parameter och larm från vilken display som helst med hjälp av en fjärranslutning via Ethernet.
Styrenhetens funktioner
Kontrollerade parametrar
Industri 4.0-lösning
Robox Connect är kompatibel med iConn, lösningen för Industry 4.0. iConn är den nya, smarta och proaktiva realtidsövervakningstjänsten som levererar djupgående data i realtid. Detta är nödvändigt för att enheten ska fungera optimalt och effektivt. iConn ger fjärråtkomst via Internet, vilket sparar tid genom att du inte behöver vara på plats för att utföra diagnostiska aktiviteter.
med iConn kan du utföra uppgifter online, till exempel övervakning, optimering av underhåll och reservdelshantering, och bana väg för utvecklingen av prediktiva modeller.